October 22, 2024

Life Discussion

Health Blog

Perfect Solutions to the Fertility Center Findings

First of all, clarification that when we talk about PMA / AMP Center and Fertility Clinic, we mean the same thing. When the couple is faced with infertility and the question of Medically Assisted Reproduction arises, it is only natural that they seek the best PMA center.

Where can you find the ranking of the best Fertility Clinics, the best PMA Centers?

Strictly speaking, there is no official ranking of the best PMA Centers. Without classifying them, the list of PMA centers approved  is available on the website of the biomedicine agency. You can click here for the best options there.

What is a Fertility Center or AMP Center?

Whether or not it is the best, any Center has a multidisciplinary team made up of:

  1. clinicians, gynecologists or endocrinologists,
  2. biologists specializing in ART,
  3. andrologists or urologists,
  4. psychologists,
  5. geneticists,
  6. midwives,
  7. nurses,
  8. secretaries.

Among all these stakeholders, the 2 referent professionals are: the gynecologist and the biologist. They appoint from among them: a coordinator and an AMP center manager.

Whether or not they are among the best, AMP centers are approved by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) after the opinion of the Biomedicine Agency and must meet very specific specifications guaranteeing good clinical practices and equipment of the structure. Each Center chooses a manager and a coordinator in order to define the practitioners authorized to practice AMP in the Center and to ensure that the guide to good practices in AMP published in 2008 and 2010 is applied, as well as the internal regulations predefined by the team.

The quality of infertility care facilities

The law of bioethics

These approvals for establishments authorized to practice AMP ensure harmonization in the quality of care and the application of good AMP practices in accordance with the bioethics law. The AMP is highly regulated by law and the requirements for obtaining accreditation are very high. Approvals for establishments are issued by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) after consulting the biomedicine agency.

The practitioners authorized to practice ART will be declared to the regional health agency (ARS) by the approved establishments and must be able to prove their competence in reproductive medicine.

Specific modalities

To choose the best assisted reproduction center for you, you can check with your doctor and find out about the technical platform and the specific support methods for each center. Some will favor large structures but sometimes less personalized, others will prefer smaller structures with more personalized monitoring. There are no specific rules for choosing the best AMP Center for you, it all depends on your selection criteria. The important thing is to feel confident: this is the main criterion.

The biomedicine agency

The biomedicine agency offers all the information on the conditions of practice of ART in France and publishes an annual report on the activity in ART. The French territory is well served. The assisted reproduction center should not be too far from your home to avoid wasting time in transport, because the AMP requires a lot of availability and several round trips to the assisted reproduction center.