January 25, 2025

Life Discussion

Health Blog

5 five signs you need an eye exam

When you feel like avoiding an optometrist appointment, you should think twice about it. Our eyes are so sensitive and unique that they don’t show immediately when there is a problem. As such, serious eye health problems can be overlooked and lead to potential health risks. Luckily, our experts say there are five signs you need an eye exam that can help you with this! Read on to explore what our optometrists say you should pay close attention to!

Difficulty in focusing on objects

A common sign you need an eye exam is the difficulty of focusing or squinting. This can be an indicator of either nearsightedness or farsightedness. And if you wear glasses already, it might tell your lenses aren’t good anymore. So, in order to get a proper assessment and a prescription, you should opt for having an eye exam at an experienced optometrist.

Recurrent headaches

Keep in mind that migraines and headaches can occur due to several health issues, such as chronic stress, chronic disease, and vision modification. Also, squinting to see items can strain the muscle around your eyes, which can trigger recurrent headaches. So, if you’re experiencing a lot of headaches without an apparent reason, it might be the time to have an eye exam.

Tired eyes

Many people complain about tired eyes, and in most situations, this happens because of prolonged exposure in front of blue screens. But besides this, eye fatigue can be triggered by allergies, lack of sleep, or outdated prescription glasses. Experts say that the sooner you have an eye exam, the better. You will be able to avoid further damage to your eyes while improving the quality of life.

Visual disruptions

Optometrists say that visual disruptions are more concerning that you might think. A visual anomaly can cause it, and it can happen for 10 to 30 minutes. Keep in mind that if you experience a sudden visual disruption, you should have an eye exam immediately. It might indicate something serious like retinal holes or detachment. Some of the most frequent visual disruptions include:

  • Visual auras represent a spot in your vision that causes distortion
  • Ocular migraines represent blind areas in your vision or shadows
  • Floaters are triggered by the clumping of the clear gel between your lens and retina


Light sensitivity is a natural outcome of our eyes adapting to light modification throughout the day. Still, if you feel like bright light causes pain or that your eyes need extra time to adapt to light changes; it might be an indicator of an infection or inflammation.

The bottom line

So, the next time you ask yourself whether it’s time to see an optometrist, think about the five signs listed above. Also, it is highly recommended to have your eye exam frequently to avoid a lot of discomfort and serious health problems. Having an eye exam can significantly improve your wellbeing and quality of life! Make sure you visit an experienced optometrist and share all your concerns about eye health.